
Frederick Douglass is Recognized as an Implausible Abolitionist

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When slavery had become societal, Christianity was the preeminent religion in America. Frederick Douglass is recognized as an implausible abolitionist. He has worked incredibly hard to abolish slavery and everything it stood for. He portrays the ways religion and its literature had a repugnant effect on slavery and the slave owners. Christianity had more of a jaundiced effect on the slave owners than it did unmitigated. Throughout the novel we find that Frederick’s friends were all religious and swayed Douglass toward Christianity. He often references religion in the novel to explain that the slave owners who are Christian, are more vicious than the ones who aren’t, nevertheless, Douglass is on the edge to find out if there really is a God; if there is, Frederick wants an answer as to why He lets slavery go on.
Some slaves were religious fanatics who would not let anyone sway their beliefs. No matter how valuable the reason or how hard a person tries, they will always stick to their ways. Almost all of Douglass’s friends were a part of the abolitionist movement. The proposition of the movement was to try to get emancipation, or equality, of all slaves throughout the United States. Frederick is recognized as being a preposterous abolitionist. He used his personal life experiences to protest against slavery. By being a part of this movement, Frederick was exposed to Christianity. "From my earliest recollection, I date the entertainment of a deep conviction that

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