
Freedom Of Hope By Cornel West

Decent Essays

In the chapter,” Prisoners of Hope” Cornel West argues that black America is a despite state of inequality and corruption that’s jeopardizing the quality of life for the blacks. He focuses on the escalation of wealth inequality and class polarization to emphasize his argument with solid evidence. West gives a brief description of America as a mother whose care is eroding and being replaced by injustice all in the means of financial satisfactory for the elite. He begins by examining the struggles of the middle class through their fear of further underemployment and unemployment. West gives historical context for the need to speak up for equality through inspiring stories of Martin Luther king Jr. and Rosa Parks. On page 296, West says “We’ve forgotten that a rich life consists fundamentally of serving others, trying to leave the world a little better than you found it” trying to advocate the message that we should be helping each other make the world better, helping our race stand as one and advance as one. However, the oppression of black by white supremacists is slowing the process of advancement, rather its placing Blacks in an absurd situation, one where their anger is manifesting as physical violence. His strong call for action in the name of justice is emphasized in the tone and her use of important people who have made a contribution toward equality for blacks c, such as Malcolm X and Mohamed Ali.

He uses multiple stories to demonstrate the need for people to

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