
Freedom Of Protest In The United States

Decent Essays

The United States has established a baseline for all human beings to go by. This baseline, or what politics claims as basic human rights, protects all citizens of the U.S. against evil doings. When the U.S. created the Constitution, human rights were being ignored. People were not treated like people, more like cattle, actually. The corporeal reasoning behind this was skin color and poverty. The First Amendment protects any citizen against prosecution if they were to speak, do, or write something that someone else does not like. Some of these rights are the Freedom of Speech, the Freedom of Protest, and the Freedom of Religion. The Freedom of Speech can really mean anything. Anything you say, wear, or express in any way can be considered speech. The right to free speech mean that you can say anything that does not hurt or impede on the rights of other citizens. This means that basically if you say aliens are real, then nobody can force you to say or think differently. The Freedom of Speech means just that. You can say whatever you want, as long as it does not hurt someone else. The Freedom of Protest has gotten a little blurred the last few months. The right to protest anything the government does is a special right that not a lot of people have, like in Syria. But here, in the U.S., …show more content…

All of these freedoms mean you can do what you want as long as it does not harm someone else. That is all. But we, as Americans, are prone to believe the opposite. We believe that if you believe in this or that, then you will surely hurt someone. We believe any form of protest or being different is a bad thing. While I believe everyone has the right to do what they want, most do not feel that way. The First Amendment protects people from the people who think that different is a bad thing. That is what is good in our country and what we need to stand by, in my

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