
Freedom Of Speech And The First Amendment

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Paper Assignment #1 The debate of Citizen’s United v FEC (2010) stirs a discussion about how the protection of speech found in the First Amendment applies to campaign spending. Justice Kennedy and Justice Stevens provide opposing viewpoints and dissents on this case. They have different arguments as for whether limitations on corporate funding of political broadcasts in candidate elections is or is not a violation of the First Amendment. Justice Stevens lists four main issues on the debate includes ban on speech, identity based distinctions, first amendment tradition, and corruption. His opinion on the topic of ban of speech is that the restriction on corporate political speech is not a ban on speech. On the topic of identity based distinctions, he believes that speech is regulated differently depending on a person’s identity. He points out that corporations have a higher advantage over individual campaigns because there is a favoritism towards corporate identity. Justice Stevens also argues that the first amendment protections does not extend to corporations and that it should be applied differently to corporations. As for corruption, he argues that corporate political speeches can, in fact, be banned to prevent the occurrence of corruption. In Justice Kennedy’s point of view, the prohibition on corporate political speech is considered a ban on speech and violates the freedom of speech from the First Amendment. He also argues that one’s identity does not determine

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