
Freeze And Thaw In Concrete

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The Effects of Freeze and Thaw in Concrete

Most people think concrete is an impenetrable solid. But in actually, concrete is a porous material with many capillaries and voids throughout the surface. Although concrete is strong in compressive strength, it is weak in tensile stength and elasticity. Concrete can tolerate heavy loads, but it is susceptible to damage which causes it to break apart over time.

One damaging effect is freezing water. When water melts, it absorbs into the pores and capillaries. As the water freezes and expands, it weakens the strength of the concrete. This causes concrete scaling, delamination, and cracking.

The freeze and thaw cycle isn't restricted to just northern climates. It also occurs in warmer climates where the temperature drops below freezing at night, and rises above freezing during the day. Sometimes deicing chemicals are applied to the surface to temporary lower the melting point of ice by …show more content…

This will help prevent water absorption as well as expansion.

Another popular solution is replacing the soil with more porous alternatives, such as sand and gravel. To divert water away from the foundation, you can also dig a subterranean reservoir on the property.

How the Freeze and Thaw Cycle Damages Foundations

Since the freeze and thaw cycle damages concrete surfaces, it can also cause shifts and cracks beneath the home's foundation. Soil within a high water table are particularly problematic since they have poor drainage around the property.

Although you can't prevent the freeze and thaw cycle, you can protect your foundation. At MFS Basement and Foundation Repair, we implement water management systems, such as heavy-duty sump pumps, interior/exterior drainage systems, French drains, and a surface drainage. We also provide foundation repair products to fix foundation cracks and settlement

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