
Friar Lawrence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Friar Laurence,though he thought he was doing the right thing for the young teens, he really had a bad judgment.He carried the burden of their deaths forever. If he had delivered the message of Juliet’s death being fake, Romeo wouldn’t have gone to the apothecary and gotten a poison to kill himself. Instead of helping and supporting them to disclose their love situation, he looked for and chose “easy” way out of the sticky situation. He submitted to their dreams and hopes. He married Romeo and Juliet instead of encouraging them to come forth their families with the information about their affair As a result of their hidden affair, their stronger bond grew even stronger withen them was created when marriage: "For, by your leaves, you …show more content…

Friar Laurence married Romeo and Juliet, in false (but immensely strong) hopes that their marriage might bring a peaceful end to the constant fighting between the families.The friar’s intentions were great they were definitely missteps along the road to tragedy. Had Friar Laurence never married the star-crossed lovers these tragedies wouldn’t have ever occurred. Tybalt provoked Romeo to duel,Romeo, being related to Tybalt due to marriage, declined to the fight by, saying, "Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee / Doth much excuse the appertaining rage / To such a greeting --" (3.1.61-63). Romeo tried his utmost best stop the querl. It was him intervening that cause Mercutio’s death. "Why the devil came you between us? I was hurt under / your arm"(3.1.102-103). Soon after in a rage of Mercutio’s death, he killed Tybalt which led to his banishment.When Romeo lashed out at Tybalt and killed him he said, "--Tybalt, that an hour / Hath been my cousin. O sweet …show more content…

/ Thy beauty has made me effeminate, / And in my temper soften'd valour's steel"(3.1.112-115)! The marriage of the star-crossed lovers had caused Mercutio and Tybalt's deaths, and Romeo's banishment. Friar Laurence was the instigator of all these woeful events, which is ironic because that would make him a sinner for causing the death of Mercutio,Tybalt,Romeo,and Juliet.He caused these deaths by marrying Romeo and Juliet,had they not been married then romeo wouldn’t have turned down the fight with tybalt because they wouldn’t be related; and then Mercutio wouldn’t have died, so romeo wouldn’t have killed Tybalt. If Romeo hadn’t killed tybalt he wouldn’t have been banished, and if he hadn’t been banished they wouldn’t have such bad communication and they wouldn’t have killed themselves. He started the chain of sorrowful tragedies all by marrying Romeo and Juliet. After Mercutio's death as well as Romeo's banishment, the Friar didn’t see how destructive Romeo and Juliet's marriage could be. Instead he continued to trying to keep Romeo and Juliet

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