
Frida Kahlo Research Paper

Decent Essays

Frida Kahlo was born in Coyocán, Mexico on July sixth, 1907. She also died in Coyocán, Mexico in her house. She died on July thirteenth, 1954. The official cause of her death was Pulmonary Embolism, but overdose was a suspected cause of her death. Frida Kahlo was one of four daughters. She had life long health problems. She was a survivor of polio, had more than thirty operations throughout her life, and she had a terrible bus accident. When this bus accident happened, she was only eighteen. Her and her boyfriend had been out all day shopping. The got onto the brightly colored full bus and sat in the back. The bus driver began to turn when a street trolley approached. The bus tried to pass infront of the turning street trolley but he didn’t make it. The train hit the bus and at one point the bus busted into many pieces. The train kept moving and ran over many people. The iron rods on the train went through Frida from one side of her to the other at her pelvis. …show more content…

She was known for her self portraits. Her self portraits showed her pain and passion. She used vibrant,intense and bright colors. She had made over two hundred paintings, drawings and sketches. Frida Kahlo was loved all over the world. She was very well known. Pablo Picasso took her out to dinner in France, and Frida Kahlo was on the cover of French Vogue. Frida Kahlo is a very inspirational person. She had a hard life with many illnesses and hardships but she pushed through and stayed strong. She was determined. I like how she showed her pain through her art and told her life story without any words. That’s a difficult thing to do and she did a very good

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