
Current And Future Trends In Managed Care

Good Essays

Future and Current Trends and Managed Care
Early Woolfolk
Independence University
RCM 420
Instructor Kevin Wilkinson


Managed care is and has been consider an effective approach to the quality of health care in America. There is a debate among health care professionals, government regulatory agencies, and the public on how best to reduce the ever escalating health care cost while delivering the best evidence based treatment methodology to our clients. However, with the recent implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act, many health care providers are presented with a daunting task of providing leading edge innovations to their patients within the regulatory restraints placed on them by this act. Also, the future trend of health care is more about accountability to the consumers through the utilization of the consumer driven health plans with emphasis on account Based Health Saving Plans and transparency. The major impact on the delivery of quality care will be that the Affordable Health Care Act and how it will affect how insurance payers implement cost containing restraints, adhere to governmental regulations, and while delivering the best evidence medicine to the clients they serve.

Current and Future Trends in Managed Health Care The annual cost of health care today is approximately 6% of the median family income and in the future it is estimated that this cost will increase faster than the nation 's inflation rate.
Therefore, the providers

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