
Gallaudet University Protestors Responsiveness Argument

Decent Essays

As I watched the film, I was shocked and disturbed at the extreme measures that was taken to experiment on ways to get a person’s hearing back throughout history. The thought of putting someone in a plane and doing loops in the air brings out the fear in me, but putting someone that was deaf in the plane just because they were different from the hearing culture filled my head with sad and horrid thoughts. Even a child’s happiest moments, throughout deaf history, were used to try to “cure the deaf child.” What was supposed to be a joyful memory was constructed with a bad thought of trying to be changed. In the movie when Professor Robert Panera was talking about how his dad took him to meet Babe Ruth in hopes the thrill will get his hearing …show more content…

United States is a country that has stated that citizens’ have the right to stand up for what you believe in as long as it does not break the law. That was what the protesters were doing. The protestors wanted someone as their president at Gallaudet University that had an understanding of the student’s needs. The protestors moved the busses, so no one could in because this was their way to try express how they felt and to get their point across. It was the right of the protester to protest what they believed in a way they could get their point across to everyone. No laws were broken; moreover, it got the attention needed to help solve the issue of not having a deaf president. The students wanted someone culturally similar to them. The board telling the students that the running president that could hear was more qualified made it come off as if they felt that a person who is deaf could not reach the same standards of someone that can hear. It expressed a cultural difference in a society that said a person that is deaf cannot be as successful as a person that is hearing because of their different ways of communication. This caused people of the deaf community to practice their rights for freedom of protest and fight for a president that is

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