In today's society we American's suffer from many addictions. Some people have a drinking problem. Other people have a nicotine addiction. And then there are those who can not seem to kick the illegal drug use. But, all of these addictions are well known and can be treated almost as easily as the common cold. For example, smokers not only have the patch, but they have prescribed gum, billboards and commercials telling people not to smoke, and health programs in schools across the country advising kids not to smoke by showing them ungodly pictures of the effects smoking has to the inside of a person's body. Oh, and let's not forget about the over budgeted attempt to help those who have a drinking problem. It seems that we have done everything from banning alcohol, to setting up A. A. programs, to having interventions. Then we have the lawbreakers-those who use and sell drugs. Heck, everybody goes out of his or her way to rehabilitate these people and advise them not to …show more content…
Most people just think that there is nothing wrong with these people except for the fact that they are stupid enough to gamble away their money. What most people do not know is that gambling can be a compulsion where people are so obsessed with gambling that they gamble for a high. Much like people who have alcohol, drug, and nicotine addictions- there is little help out there for people who have gambling addictions because of that misconception.
For many Americans, gambling is considered a pastime. However, what they don't know is that gambling may lead to a serious addiction. The causes of this addiction can vary. Some people may have gambling passed onto them through their parents genes, others may have gotten the addiction through the pressures of their surrounding environment, but the biggest reason today most people get the addiction is because of the fact that gambling has become more and more
There is no specific treatment option that is more beneficial. However, there are a variety of treatment options available for gambling addiction such as Gambler’s Anonymous, which is a support group and psychotherapy that involves cognitive behavioral therapy. Family therapy or group meetings with professional counselors can assist family members. In addition, there is the National Problem Gambling Helpline Network and Gamblers Anonymous that help love ones with their gambling problems ( The medication that is used to treat compulsive gambling is antidepressants and mood stabilizers (www.mayoclinic).
It is important to know if there is a link between gambling disorders and substance use because it can assist in finding treatment that works more effectively for comorbidity of these disorders. It is also important to note that it could also help figure out the neurological explanation to addiction because drugs can change the shape and processes of a brain, and gambling is a form of addiction that does not. Pathological gambling and substance abuse/ dependence have similar classifications. This paper will provide evidence to answer the question “what is relationship between gambling disorders and substance use in adults?”
Gambling causes more problems economically and socially, that it is not seen as a positive industry for the economy. For some, it drags them further and further into debt which is huge matter for the United States. The national debt is already so big and the casino industry does not help with the matter. It can cause psychological changes in families, often leading to the father or husband abusing their children or spouse and turning to alcohol in hopes of drowning out the issues with money. Gambling will ruin your life and the decisions you make will not only affect you and your family, but it affects the economic state of your
The untreated conditions that pathological gamblers have may compound an unfortunate situation. Not everyone who gambles becomes addictive. However, the casino industry recognizes that some people have gambling problems and casinos provide help and education for those that do have problems. All gamblers do not have broken homes or abuse their children. Plenty of broken home have nothing to do with gambling. Again, there is no imperial evidence that substantiates every time a hand of cards is lost a child is beaten.
Gambling is an entertainment that is very addicting to the average person. According to the article “losing it all; approximately 3 million to 4 million Americans have a gambling disorder. I don’t think casinos should be responsible for someone addiction. Therefore, the responsibility is up to the individual to control their gambling addiction habits. Just like any other drug addictions; one must seek help and have self-control.
Although the Bible does not state much about gambling, there are a few verses that describe the greed and evil of people who want to get rich. In 1 Timothy 6:9-10 it says, "People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." These verses tell of how money can be bad when people are too eager and do bad things in order to obtain it. My view of gambling is that, also it can be fun for some people, we all need to consider about how we spend our money and most
In short, gambling is an enticing entertainment among many Australian friends and families. The fact that it's so enticing socially and psychologically, means that multiple factors are required in explaining why someone develops a gambling problem.
According to gambling rate study, approximately 1.6 billion people gambled at some point during a given year, and over 4.2 billion having gambled at some point in their lives (Lancelot, 2011). It is an extremely shocking statistic. A great number of people whom having gambled in their lives in order to try to do something unusual and fresh. However, some people do not regulate their timetable and regard gambling as a job so that they addicted to gambling activities. In addition, casinos are legalized, it is a crucial aspect why plenty of people to gamble. Except casinos, there are other different types of gambling activities such as slot machines so people are not only limited on playing in the casinos. So it gives people more opportunity
Walking into the flashing lights, the happy people and seeing people win; are all the start of a bad beginning. Gamblers have a different mindset them some and they need help most of the time. The worse thing for a person just starting out is to see people win because they believe they are going to do the same thing and even more. That is almost never how it turns out; it usually starts with betting small, but gamblers always raise their bets over time even if they are winning or losing. There have been a few people in my life that have been addicted to gambling including myself. My grandma and grandpa are big into it, but a few years ago my grandpa decided enough was enough and got help from a professional. My grandma on the other hand did not and still is a heavy gambler to this day. My father was the biggest gambler I ever knew and I would go as far as saying he was the biggest gambler in Cape Girardeau at the time. I remember planes from Vegas coming to pick us up, getting all the food we wanted and vacations, and staying everywhere for free.
A number of scholars have pointed out that, it is possible that biological, sociological and psychological factors are involved in the cause of problem gambling (Lesieur & Rosenthal, 1991). The following are some of the theories that have come up to explain gambling and why it is done and how it becomes a habit.
Some main reasons why drug addiction is similar to gambling addiction is because if someone never start doing drugs it is harder to even get addicted. Gambling addiction is almost the same thing, If someone never goes to a casino then they never start betting money and it is harder to get addicted. It would be almost impossible for someone to get addicted to it. Studies show that 4 out of 5 people have gambled within their lives (Jabr 3). Gambling is in somebody’s life almost every day and it gets passed on and it is pressured by other people to do it and then that is when somebody could get addicted. Studies also show that twenty million people gamble so much it affects their work and social life. As a result, it can’t be good for your health if someone goes to work to get a paycheck and then gambles the whole paycheck away. Sometimes somebody is probably out gambling all night and they get stuck there all night and don’t make it to work the next day or they don’t see their families that night and their families start to worry sick about them. That can affect a family's money situation because first they are gambling it all away and then the next day they don’t go to work to even try to get their money back and try to help their families. It is easy to tell when somebody is addicted when all they are doing is going to the casino or they are always playing games like the lottery. Also, when
Gambling addiction is an issue found in numerous areas where gambling is legal. People who are addicted to gambling, also know as problem gamblers, face many health risks including depression, suicidal thoughts, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, migraine and anxiety in addition to marriage breakdown, problems at work and bankruptcy (9). About 2 percent of adults are thought to be problem gamblers (1). In today’s society this costly addiction is not often considered to be a common problem among those who gamble. Only a small amount of states in the U.S. give enough attention toward this rising problem of people that are sometimes even willing to commit crimes just to aid their addiction. In the past our
Did you know that there is such a thing called problem gambling otherwise known as gambling addiction? According to, “gambling is a diverse activity, so different types of gambling addiction exist as well”. Gambling addiction is a problem where it begins slowly and grows overtime until the victim’s life has become difficult to control. Only recently has this disorder been recognized as an addiction. According to Wikipedia, “Problem gambling (or ludomania, but usually referred to as "gambling addiction" or "compulsive gambling") is an urge to gamble continuously despite harmful negative consequences or a desire to stop. Problem gambling is often defined by whether harm is experienced by the gambler or others, rather than by
Gambling is also associated with health problems. Approximately one in every four moderate to severe gamblers is seeing a doctor for stress related problems and approximately one in three gamblers have habitual feelings of depression.[vi] Many gamblers are also dealing with existing illnesses such as cancer, HIV, Parkinson's disease and chronic pain. They are often using gambling as an outlet for their pain and suffering. Another problem that gamblers develop is poor sleep and nutrition habits.
Everyone has a different way of dealing with stress or passing the time. Some people eat, drink, exercise, smoke or gamble. Most of those are fine if they are done once in a while or in small amounts. The problem occurs when people start to rely on doing them too much and can’t get through their day without having it in their lives. This is when it turns to an addiction. An addiction is defined as “the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming” (addiction). One of the most common addictions is gambling. It is estimated that 2.5 million Americans suffer from this problem. This can cause issues for the individual and their families. The state government does have rules and policies to help regulate gambling and offer services to families and individuals who have been victims of compulsive gambling.