
Gayle Forman's If I Stay

Decent Essays

“I’m running the show. Everyone is waiting for me. I decide. I know this now.” This book is about a girl named Mia conflicting with herself. If I Stay is a book written by Gayle Forman. The main character Mia, and her family are in a car accident. Her mom, dad and little brother are killed. Mia has to decide if she is going to try and fight to live or just give up. Also, it flashes back on times in her life, like when she first met her boyfriend and how they fell in love, and when her brother was born. She tries to decide whether or not she should try to live, just let go, and the results after her decision. Mia wants to try to live, she wants to go to Julliard to play the cello, she want to see her grandparents again. “If you stay, I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll quit the band; go with you to New York. But if you need me to go away, I’ll do that too. .. And that would suck, but I’ll do it. I can lose you like that, if I don’t lose you today. I’ll let you go. If you stay.” Adam talks about how he wants Mia to fight for her life. It’s like he is bargaining with her right now. Mia wants to fight to be with Adam, she loves him. “Dying is easy. Living is hard.” The fight back to …show more content…

But that’s when the book ends. “I have a feeling that once you live through something like this, you become a little bit invincible.” Going through losing your family is terrible and maybe now that she has overcome that, and overcome the fact that she was almost dead. She can do anything now. She’s invincible. Mia chose to live, to go to college and play the cello. She lived through all that, and she’s a stronger person because of it. “You just work through it. You just hang in there.” It’s not going to be easy but it will be worth it. It’ll all be worth it in the end. Mia’s decision to stay will be worth it. Choosing to live on and follow her dreams are worth it. Overcoming the terrible thing that happened to her makes her a stronger person. It was the right

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