
Gender Discrimination And Inequality In The United States

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The controversy of female discrimination in the workplace prevails in the United States; especially, in the context of equal pay for equal work. Despite the advancement of women's rights through education, empowerment, and legal acts over the past century, women are still earning less than men in nearly every occupation. This wage disparity between women and men is one of the significant aspects of sexism that afflicts the entire society. Although, governmental and non-governmental agencies have made substantive progress to narrow the gender wage gap, still total equality is expected a distant future goal. Nevertheless, exogenous changes can make a difference; therefore, comprehensive nondiscriminatory legislation along with much more specific policies can eradicate the gender wage gap.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistic, in 2016, the median weekly earnings for women were 82 percent of the median weekly earnings for men. Which signifies, women’s median weekly earnings were $749 of the median weekly earnings for men $915 that cast women $7968 per year. “Even though in 1963, Congress passed the Equal Pay, and in 1964, Congress further passed the Civil Rights Act to bridge the gap between men and women, female gender discrimination and inequality remain as prevalent today as it did in the 1960s” (Wulf 5-6). More than fifty years ago president John F Kandy signed an Equal Pay Act (EPA) into law; this commandment aimed to abolish wage inequality based on sex. According

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