
Gender Dishroom: Gender Transgentral Schroom

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A while ago, my friend and I were questioning out gender identity, and while we think we’ve figured it out, there are times where we’re still unsure. So whenever we need to go to the washroom, we always try to use the gender neutral washrooms in the music wing. Also, if someone has their identity figured out but is scared and doesn’t want to tell anyone, they don’t have to choose between going to the men’s and women’s washroom; they can just go into the gender neutral washroom and not have to worry. Say if someone realized they’re transgender, but they noticed that some of the people who hang around them are transphobic, so they don’t want to come out as transgender to them. Instead of panicking about what washroom to use, they can just go into the gender neutral washroom and not accidentally ‘out’ …show more content…

They consider themselves non-binary. Non-binary is when someone identifies outside of the gender binary, meaning they don’t feel like they’re strictly male or female. Some non-binary identities include agender (have no gender), bigender (being two genders), and genderfluid (switching between two or more genders). Some non-binary people don’t like going into gendered washrooms since they don’t belong there. It’s almost like seeing a polar bear walking through Egypt; it just doesn’t seem right. Along with identifying as neither male nor female (or even identifying as both), some people are born intersex. This is because of their genitalia or chromosomes do not match up with either gender, so they can’t be identified as male or female (however some intersex people “pass” as one or the other, meaning they present themselves as masculine or feminine). Where are they supposed to go? School is supposed to be a place where students can be comfortable with being who they are. How can this be considered true if some students can’t even go to the washroom without feeling uncomfortable because of their gender?
In conclusion, I believe all schools should have gender neutral washrooms because not all transgender students are comfortable with going into their preferred washrooms, some people could be questioning their gender, and also not everyone identifies as male or

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