
Gender Inequality In Society

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Currently, 63 percent of female college students identify as feminist (Zimmerman). Despite the growing popularity of this term, society is oblivious to what feminism truly is. Many people have a negative connotation of feminists, and would never consider themselves to be one because they don’t know that feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights. Additionally, society has become brainwashed to the sexism both men and women face on a day to day basis. Therefore, feminist beliefs should be integrated into each man and woman’s life because gender inequality negatively affects all members of society. First of all, society unnecessarily criticizes the personalities of women. For instance,
“...if you’re an assertive woman it’s misconstrued as bossiness. It says to women it’s not O.K. for us to be driven, ambitious and have strong opinions” (Zimmerman). This belief often hinders the dreams of young women, causing them to see themselves as worth less than men. Everyone should be a feminist because it is inhumane to raise young girls in an environment where they are told to be weak and submissive. Additionally, after society criticizes women for being aggressive and determined “we turn around and either praise or excuse men for the same reasons” (Adichie, 24). This can often be damaging to women since this societal convention implies that men are superior to women. All women should support feminist beliefs because gender inequality often shatters

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