
Gender Inequality In The Great Gatsby

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Everyone feels the need to be equal. Everyone wants to be recognized as equal to their peers, and during the 1920s, there was a huge push for equality between women and men in the form of women’s suffrage, with the Nineteenth Amendment extending voting rights to women as well. One 1920’s author, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald in his novel The Great Gatsby, explored gender inequality and how it changed through his characters. In the book, Daisy Buchanan is a wealthy, upper class woman married to an upper class man, Tom. Their life is very stable, since they are both part of the upper class and have financial security. They provide room and board for Jordan Baker, a golf champion who is also part of the upper class, and both Daisy and Jordan represent how the 1920s changed the rights of women across America. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby explores major changes in society and historically significant shifts in gender and gender norms through the accessibility of the American Dream in the 1920s. Throughout the 1920s, society was very limited in terms of equality between men and women, and Fitzgerald shows this in his novel through his character Daisy. She had just given birth to a baby, then the nurse told her that her child was a girl, so Daisy turned her head away and wept, “All right, I am glad it is a girl. And I hope she will be a fool- that is the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool” (Fitzgerald 17). Daisy is disappointed on the birth of

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