
Gender Norms In Schools Essay

Decent Essays

Because school is where students learn about culture, it follows that the activities therein should contribute to the understanding of their culture, as well as the culture of others, preparing them for a pluralistic world (Quebec Education, 2001, Section 1.2). This makes the project in question all the more relevant as it does the aforementioned. Additionally, by concentrating on gender norms, the project has the ability, and will to expose the intercultural nature of gender boundaries, how stereotypical images of gender pervade the world as a whole (Schieffelin, & Ochs, 1986). But more than just preparing its students theoretically, highlighting the multitude of diversification will work to arouse the feeling of harmony, that no matter their differences, they are all part of humanity. By doing so, the project, and school, will “act as agents of social cohesion by fostering a feeling of belonging,” contributing to a socially just society (Quebec Education, 2001, Section 1.2).
By focusing on the impact that their …show more content…

This means that students will identify with more and more of their ilk – humankind – and become accustomed to a diverse notion of gender. Educators will engage students to deconstruct the dominant discourse, thereby developing a “social competency that meshes with values such as self-affirmation that is respectful of others, consideration of other people’s feelings, constructive openness to pluralism, and nonviolence” (Quebec Education Program, Cross-Curricular Competency 8, 2001). This will be accomplished by the project’s focus on critiquing the disenfranchisement of some, on humanizing the ‘other,’ including them into the realm of persons whose feelings are to be considered. Doing this will allow students to interact with different persons in different contexts, collaborating with others to create more inclusive notion of

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