
Gender Roles In Frankenstein

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Gender Issues - Frankenstein

Mary Shelly effectively portrays the role of men and women throughout her novel, Frankenstein, by utilizing extensive figurative language. The gloomy mood that is conceived within this work truly exposes the character’s emotions and actions. Several themes are established, affecting the character’s health and wellness. Gender has influenced, and primarily “set the role”, several reactions and choices by the characters, including those of Caroline Beaufort, Elizabeth Lavenza, and Justine Moritz. The women in this novel remain oddly passive, although Shelly was the daughter of an important feminist. Shelly’s refusal to create strong female figures clearly illustrates, and defines, women’s role in society, at the time. Weakness, a word that can be associated with gloom, characterizes several of the characters, male and female, within the novel. The language Victor utilizes to describe his parent’s relationship illuminates the image of passivity amongst the women’s characters. In the beginning, Shelly explains that Alphonose’s (Victor’s father) long time friend, Beaufort, died in poverty, after once being noble and wealthy. …show more content…

The passiveness illustrated by Shelly is often seen as odd, due to the fact that she was the daughter of an important feminist. Shelly is not sexist, however. In the book, men appear to contradict society’s stereotype. Men are supposed to be “self sufficient”, but we witness in the novel that men cannot live alone. After years of torment and agony, sickness and dread, Victor decides to finally marry Elizabeth, as their parents had intended. The marriage signifies Victor’s last hope of ever becoming joyful again, and the intention succeeds for a few hours. The concept of men being weak in the early 18th century was a foreign idea, but as we perceive, Victor became very weak, and so did the

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