
Gender Roles In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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Gender roles in The Scarlet Letter can be described as both traditional and unconventional depending on which character is being observed. Characters such as Hester Prynne, Chillingworth, Dimmesdale, and Hester’s daughter Pearl are the main characters that portrayed one or the other. In this book, perhaps one of the more notable differences is that men seem to be portrayed as the weaker of the two sexes, as far as fundamental strength is concerned. It is interesting to consider that comparison when noting that the important men responsible for deciding Hester’s fate are so intent on convincing her to tell them the name of the man who was her “tempter.” At the same time, however, the men seem to be more inclined to be more lenient and somewhat tolerant of Hester and her sin than the women of the colony. The women are supposed to have the upmost ladylike persona, who follows their husbands’ wishes and provides for the family through caring for the children, cooking, and cleaning. These characters chosen almost seem to represent everything opposite, yet everything common in this …show more content…

She was such a curious little girl from a very young age, and such a curiosity and boldness towards life was seen as “masculine” and very strange during this time. Her odd personality and strange ways led her to be a bit of an outcast. Fascinated with her mother’s bright red embroidered “A” upon her chest always vexed the young girl. That was the only way she knew her mother, yet she had no concept of what the letter stood for or why only her mother wore one. Her obsession with the letter worried Hester, further peaking Pearl’s curiosity. Many viewed her to be a devil child, and somewhat reasonably so, even her mother began to believe so. Pearl was so curious as to who her father was, yet she somehow always knew that is was Dimmesdale, though her childlike way of understanding kept her wondering why he never would acknowledge her as

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