
Gender Stereotypes

Decent Essays

A lady asked the following question via a social group media forum, ‘Men where are you? Why are so many women truly raising kids and taking care of homes alone?’ As a kid, my dad and brothers cut 3 yards every week-grandma’s, a single aunt’s and our own. Even if you are not a married man you have single aunts, sisters, cousins and neighbors. Why are you not doing for these women? Honestly men, they should not have to ask. Women where are your family, friends, church members? Are you turning down help?

This was my response to her post:

To the ladies: I rushed to open the door for you, not even knowing your name or where you are from. Out of habit or out of a newfound entitlement, you open the other door. Your silent action just reminded me of the mantra I see and hear constantly on social media and in the media, I don’t need a man. I hear you saying, ‘I can pay my own bills.’ I see you taking care of your kids. I see you going to work when you have a cold and should be home in bed resting. I see all of that. So for now, I will take a step back. I will let you take the lead. I will let you handle all of the affairs for now and I will take a break. I rather keep peace even if it means you must suffer but that’s the price you chose to pay …show more content…

So they allow the peer pressure to shape them. These men see what society will accept and they begin conforming to this new image. Some black men have accepted a very limited role wherein they are viewed as anything but successful. Gang members, robbers, and thieves are how some of these allegedly ‘bad men’ are stereotyped and portrayed. Wait, white men are caught up in this whirlpool of emasculation as well. Many television shows depict the fathers as old, bald, fat, and dumb men who must look to their wives to make a decision, lead the family, and clean up after him as if he’s a child or incompetent. This problem is beyond

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