
Gender Stereotypes In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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1. Personally I can say that the story begins in a way that one will expect something good to come at the end. The tittle of the story brings some hope or sign of good lucky because in a lottery people win something of valuable ting that is likely to bring some positive change in their lives. The villagers were gathering with little or no worry at all. At some point, the male was discussing their welfares, businesses, taxes and all sorts. One could think that they were eagerly waiting for an announcement of who had won the prize for the enrichment of his family’s welfare. The women, youths, and children were too without anything that seemed to be of worry. As the story develops, one can see gender stereotyping as male, female and the young had designated roles they …show more content…

This can be seen from the way the boy collected stones while the girl watched them. In the middle of the story, some sense of strangeness develops. It is clear that nobody wanted to win the prize. This is a surprise because everybody could have wished to win the lottery. As the names were read for the ‘heads’ of the families to pick the papers that could determine the fate for their families fate, each individual appears to be surprised and there seems to be tension. Towards the end of the story, I was surprised by the fact that when Bill Hutchinson won the lottery, his wife was not happy. People are often happy when they win prizes, but here the situation was different. The truth was that nobody wanted to win the prize. The story ends with a surprise in that, Tessie who was the ultimate winner of the prize was stoned to death. Nobody seemed to be worried about her death, not even the family members. I was surprised that the villagers were much grounded to old fashioned traditions at the expense of the value of human of

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