
Gene Editing : Rotary Speech

Decent Essays

Gene Editing- Rotary Speech

Good afternoon, I want to first ask you to imagine a future where there are no diseases, no genetic defects, and life can be prolonged. The truth is this future you are imagining is really not so far off, but how do we get to a future like this? Well with the introduction of technologies such as Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, or simply put CRISPR- cas9 gene editing has been made a lot easier, cheaper and safer. With these new gene editing technologies the question is even more prominent than ever has been, should we edit the human gene. Today with the rotary four way test I will prove to you that gene editing should be allowed to be experimented with and researched. I will do this by asking the four questions – is it the truth, is it fair to all concerned, will it build goodwill and friendship to all concerned, and will it be beneficial to all concerned.

Is editing the human gene the truth? For thousands of years humans have been engineering life, this can be traced all the way back to 10,500 BC where farmers would select the best traits from their crops and replant those gradually changing the genetic codes of the plants. However it was only until 1953 when the idea of Dioxide ribonucleic Acid (DNA) cemented and allowed us to understand how genes work and how they can be tampered with. After this discovery many experiments were carried in relation to tampering with genetics. Today many of the chemicals we produce

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