
Gene Luen Yang Shadow Hero Quotes

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Shadow Hero by Gene Luen Yang and Sonny Liew A graphic novel has a unique way of telling a story. Instead of using paragraphs, it uses pictures and panels. In each panel there is one picture, each picture may or may not contain a speech bubble, emanata or caption. A speech bubble allows the reader to know who is talking and what their saying, meanwhile a caption makes a direct connection by speaking directly to the reader. An emanata allows the reader to know what is going on in the character's head. Some common examples are '?' to indicate confusion, 'ZZZ' to tell the reader that the character is sleeping, and symbols such as '#@$%#' to symbolize a character's anger. Shadow Hero is a graphic novel written …show more content…

His mother went through a lot of work to make him form superpowers like the American hero, "Anchor of Justice." After a bank robbery where a man found a way into the car she was driving and held her hostage, she was then saved by the American super hero. After her rescue she thought highly of superheroes and wished her son would become just like one. Whatever his mother would hear at work about how the American super hero gained his powers she would make her son do the same thing in hopes of him developing some kind of superpower. She made him eat exotic herbs, threw the poor boy into a toxic spill, and made him get bitten by and exotic animal. Hank allowed all of this to happen as long as it put a smile on his mothers face. All of the experiments Hanks mother tried on him ended up failing. Instead of making him develop superpowers it ended up making him develop fevers and a skin that would turn pink and glow in the dark when wet. However, Hanks mother had one more trick up her sleeve. Hank was brought to his "uncles" house to learn how to fight if he ever wanted to win. This ended up in Hank being beaten all over with new bruises and a blacker eye everyday. The beatings did not make Hank give up instead he started to get better with more practice. All of this and more came in handy after the sudden loss of his

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