
General Petraeus Speech Summary

Decent Essays

In General Petraeus' Opening Statement to the Joint House Committee on Iraq, General Petraeus covers a summary of the surge and its effects, the nature of the conflict in Iraq, the situation before the surge, the current situation, and explains his recommendations to his leadership on the future of Iraq. This speech, or statement by title, was made as part of an update following the commencement of the surge. General Petraeus' speech, while lacking in non-verbal communicative properties, was extremely effective when paired with its topical organization and logos proofs. The historical significance of this speech lies heavily in its focus. General Petraeus took charge of Iraq in 2007, and was given authorization for a surge element to support the war against terror in Iraq. Prior to its authorization, violence in Iraq was reaching unprecedented levels, and showed no signs of slowing. As part of this surge, he was to give congress an update regarding the status of, and forecast of the result of the surge. The primary target for the speech was the members of congress, and specifically focused to show that the surge was effective, and that while still needed, the surge was only needed as a temporary solution to turn the tides. The speech had little-to-no nonverbal communication, with General Petraeus staying very still in his …show more content…

In this, he was certain in providing very clear, concise language that could not be questioned or considered vague. It is likely he focused on the logos proof simply because his audience maintains a propensity to attack weak arguments, and logos proofs are difficult to contradict through the other proofs: ethos and pathos. General Petraeus seemed to focus so much on the logos proof, that there seemed to be no examples of his use of the ethos or pathos proofs within his presentation, excepting perhaps his acknowledgement of his audience, and his thanks in his

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