
Genetic Testing Persuasive Essay

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Know you're future now. A new trend in science today. Genetic testing, is a world of benefits for individuals who are selected for this test. Knowing that he could have possibly offspring with birth defects or serious health problems among the main reasons why choose individuals that these genetic tests done. Not when it comes to genetic testing on pregnant women and there is a small controversy. Parents should do genetic testing or not. one perfect example is the Cell-Free Fetal DNA Test.

This test is usually done around 10 weeks from a blood draw. From this simple non-invasive blood draw doctors are now able to search for a range of different diseases such as Down syndrome or Edwards syndrome. It can also check for sex chromosome disease …show more content…

Typically the father's role in this situation would be to go along with the mother but Tony does have the right and is invited to have some hesitation. We don't ken what type of testing they're going to do and we do not ken the side effects it will have on your unborn child. Not to mention the integrated cost factor in doing certain type of genetic testing. Some of them are not covered through indemnification mean and may curve a hectic cost. One must additionally take into consideration their religious backgrounds and credences that may be playing a factor in Tony's hesitation. One way or another this decision should not be made at the medicos office but me at home after conscientious consideration weighing the pros and cons and verbalizing with family members. Why do the testing if there's no desideratum to do the testing do we have the mazuma to cover the cost and if something should transpire in the mist of the test are we going to resent each other when one was not okay with the decision to go with the testing in the first place. All of these things need to be taken into consideration and verbalize about exhaustively, afore making any decision that can affect the health and salubrity of your incipient

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