
Genocide in Rwanda Essay

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Genocide War is not a necessary evil humans must endure. Although, war is not necessary, humans go to war to try to gain power, fortune, and to spread their particular group’s religions and beliefs. By definition civilization is an advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of record-keeping, including writing, and the appearance of complex political and social institutions. The chaos of war is reflected in the semantic history of the word war. War can be traced back to the Indo-European root *wers-, “to confuse, mix up.” In the Germanic family of the Indo-European languages, this root gave rise to several words having to do with …show more content…

They also had begun organized slaughter, starting in the capital Kigali. They had killed nearly one million Rwandans in 100 days time. The first people to be killed were those most likely to resist the plan of genocide. Those people included the Prime Minister, the Prisdent of the constitutional court, priests, leaders of the Liberal Pary, etc. Also, those who did not immediately join the comapaign, like the governor of the south, were removed from their political positions and some politicians were killed. As the killing intensified, the international community deserted Rwanda. The US closed their eyes to the problems going on in Rwanda and Burundi because it did not affect them. Western nations landed troops in Rwanda or Burundi in the first week to evacuate their citizens, did so, and left. The UN mission (UNAMIR), created in October 1993 to keep the peace and assist the governmental transition in Rwanda, sought to intervene between the killers and civilians. It also tried to mediate between the RPF and the Rwandan army after the RPF struck from Rwanda to protect Tutsi and rescue their battalion encamped in Kigali as part of the Accord. On April 21, 1994, the United Nations Security Council, at the behest of the United States—which had no troops in Rwanda—Belgium, and others, voted to withdraw all but a remnant of UNAMIR. The Security Council took

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