
George Gladwell's Outliers

Decent Essays

In this essay I intend for the audience to show how Gladwell’s points in Outliers part one effect our education systems and people's success. I will also be giving examples to fix this. I want to show the reader how there are many obstacles for kids to success. First is their age, cut off dates hinders some children and excels others. Second is social skills and without those most people are not noticed and are overlooked. Thirs is how practicing can make a difference for kids if they are all giving the same opportunity. With giving equal opportunity to each child, separating kids at the age of 10 would be idealistic so they have equal opportunity to succeed and make their own path.
While working on this essay I first read the requirements of the assignment and then took a while to comprehend and think of the best plan to execute my plan. I first thought of the chapters that talked about education. That is when I picked, The Matthew effect, Social skills, and 10,000 Rule. I know that social skills is not …show more content…

The activities that helped the most in writing this paper where the chapter outlines, I felt like these helped me understand the material better. I used a web outline and this helped get everything organized. The comments form the peer review were not as helpful as the last time. It is my fault though because I did not add at the end what specifically I wanted help with.
I feel like the body paragraphs are the strongest. I believe this because I feel like the details given help paint a picture. Also I spent the most time on. I think the weakest part in my essay are the introductory and conclusion paragraphs. I have always struggled with these and I am trying to get better. I know for sure that my thesis are never up to par. I did have some trouble in my body paragraphs I could not remember if when paraphrasing or summarizing you add () this and a page number, so I did it

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