
George Killed Lennie

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Although many would argue that George should not had killed Lennie, I would disagree. First off I think that what would had most likely would had happen to Lennie, is he would had been tortured and killed by Curly. This is evident when Curly state's “I’ll kill the son-of-a-bitch myself. I’ll shoot ‘im in the guts” (Steinbeck 92). Being shot in the guts is known as one of the most painful and unrecoverable wounds. Secondly, even if Curly didn’t kill him, he would had been locked in a cage and probably had been beaten up and then rot in jail the rest of Lennie’s life. George even says “Couldn’ we maybe bring him in an’ they’ll lock him up?” (Steinbeck 92), followed by slim saying “We might” (Steinbeck 92). Jails at the times were very cruel

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