
How Does Steinbeck Present George And Lennie's Relationship

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When the Great Depression was rampant, a lot of people would live job-to-job, just to get by. In the novel Of Mice And Men, by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie have an odd relationship by how it's both positive and negative. George and Lennie were chased out of a town called Weed, because Lennie was feeling a girl's skirt; the girl had been scared by Lennie, and tried to run away, but Lennie wouldn't let go. After being chased out of Weed, George and Lennie rode a bus south, away from Weed, but were dropped off a few miles back, George and Lennie had to walk the rest of the way, until the came to the ranch. After killing a dog and someone's wife, Lennie was chased out of the ranch, and killed by George, to keep Lennie from a painful death. George and Lennie's relationship is uniquely positive and negative because of Lennie's mental incappability, George's short temper, and how George kills Lennie an the end of the novel. Lennie's mental incappacility brings negativity towards the relationship. '"I forgot," Lennie said softly. "I tried not to forget. Honest to God I did, George"' (Steinbeck 12). Lennie is 'retarded', or slow of the mind; his abillity to use his brain as well as George is very limited. Always forgeting what George tells him, he is angered with Lennie as he always needs to remind him what to do. When George reminds Lennie of what to do, he's going to forget it again. Lennie's has the mentality of a child. "I done another bad thing" (178). Lennie has

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