
George Orwell Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Everyone has at least one person who has changed there life, either for better or for worse. There is that one person who made a difference. For George Orwell, it is easy to assume, that person was his first wife, Eileen O’shaughnessy. She not only impacted his life, but also his writing, for example, 1984, and some of his female characters. Orwell first met Miss O’shaughnessy in 1935 at a party that he and his landlord was hosting. He described her as “talkative and lively” and she had lifted her first impression him him. After the party had ended he knew that she was the “kind of girl he would like to marry,” and he did not waist time; a couple of days after the gathering he took her out to dinner, immediately starting a courtship, …show more content…

She ignored them, knowing what she had agreed to, and even knowing that nothing is as important to Orwell then his writing, and she understands that as his wife she will come second in his life. She also new that he could not giver her an easy life with lots of money, but despite that she still married the man(Taylor). While seeming like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly there relationship had some ups and downs, one of them being that Orwell was unfaithful to Eileen. Orwell was open about the admission and stated that he was unable to have children, but it is unknown about how Eileen felt about the situation. Either way she still stayed with Orwell, and because they both felt a deep need to have children they adopted their son, Richard Horatio Blair, in 1944(Taylor). Eileen had stayed by Orwell's side through richer and poorer, in sickness and in health until death did her part. She died March 29th, 1945, 9 years and 9 months after their marriage during a hysterectomy, while Orwell was away in Europe. On March 22nd she wrote him an eight page letter explaining the operation and her hopes of their future. She came to hate London and wished to move into the

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