
George Orwell Use Of Propaganda In Animal Farm

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Animal Farm is a clever way to inform people of the events that were occurring in Russia without the author putting himself at risk. The fable describes what had been going on in Russia through the pretext of a story about farm animals. It starts with a speech about the future from the character Old Major and eventually evolves into a story about a dictator pig representing Stalin. Animal Farm cleverly shows how the people of Russia were manipulated and ultimately tricked into thinking that they were very successful and were living under much better conditions than in the ‘days before the rebellion.’ Due to the propaganda and the fierce dogs that Napoleon utilizes, the animals do not question this much. In reality their conditions are just as bad, if not worse than before. …show more content…

The representation of Russia’s leaders take all the best of everything for themselves while neglecting their people and letting them go hungry. Squealer is sent around to all of the animals to explain why all of their sacrifices are necessary for the success of Animal Farm, when in reality they are being taken advantage of. In this way, Orwell cleverly shows the conditions of the people in Russia and bring to light the appalling events taking place. Orwell highlights how Stalin oppressed his people through

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