
George Washington As A Leader

Decent Essays

Most people do not have enough courage to lead a group of people. We need leaders in America to bring conformity. George Washington is an example of a leader. To be a leader you must be willing to risk your life or be courageous, create new things to help the task you are doing, and you need to be inteligente. Being a leader isn’t something simple to do. To be a leader you must exemplify certain qualities that makes you superior to others. George Washington risked his life for America just like any great leader would. George Washington risked his life in Yorktown. In Being George Washington: “A few nights later, Washington moved forward toward the British line once again. Standing beside a heavy cannon, he fired the first gun. The world seemed to utterly explode around him as dozens of allied guns and artillery started blowing deadly metal toward the British defenses”(Beck 134-135). George Washington could have been instantly blown up or shot because he was in the middle of all of it. Washington risked his life just to fire the first gun and start the Battle of Yorktown. During present time our president/leader wouldn’t dare be in combat or even be near it. Washington wanted to be in battle and didn’t care about being killed. Washington also risked his life at another place where the problem was different. He risked his life at Valley forge too. For example: “Washington and his troops suffered harsh winter weather and insufficient supplies of food and clothing while being

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