
Getting Rid Of Trash Essay

Decent Essays

Our Earth simply cannot handle all of the trash we are giving it. Each person produces four pounds of trash per day, which is much faster than we can get rid of it, and space for it is vanishing quickly. Almost every community has some method of getting rid of trash, and whether incinerating or burying the trash, it still is a huge problem. Everybody has been negatively affected by the overpopulation of trash whether from an illness related to pollution (like asthma, or cancer) or a loss of land to a landfill.
The source of this terrible problem is traceable down to a few factors. Food is one of the biggest contributors at about $900 million wasted dollars being tossed each year (mostly due to misread expiration date labels). Some schools and institutions use non-reusable trays made out of polystyrene foam. About 250,000 of these trays are thrown out EVERY DAY and will sit untouched in landfills for centuries without biodegrading. Around fourteen million tons of plastic trash is thrown away each year. This plastic can include the plastic bags and cutlery everyone uses in their daily lives. Sometimes trash is accidentally (or purposely) introduced into ecosystems, which kills hundreds of animals each year.
Out of all the trash in the US, 55% (60% in the UK) is taken to a …show more content…

Grocery stores could charge for disposable bags, and companies could get “bonuses” for using recyclable packaging. Families could be charged for their garbage by weight. The fee would be added to normal taxes. The more the family recycles and composts, the lower their price. Families could also be paid for recycling. The more you recycle, the lower your taxes. People who balance it well should end up with a minor decrease in taxes. If all of this happened, we would dramatically slow our emissions. This would be only a step in the right direction, however, it’s a giant leap from our current position that will take many

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