
Gettysburg Address Critique Essay

Decent Essays

Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address”: Critique In 1863, during the Battle of Gettysburg, many lives were lost. Then President-Abraham Lincoln was given an opportunity to dedicate the ground where the battle was held, to the men who died for their country. The overall message of the speech was to dedicate the grounds to the men who served the country, and to use the effect of the battle to motivate the North to finish what the men started. Lincoln took this opportunity to tell the American people about the Civil War, and how it was affecting the nation. In Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” speech to the people persuaded them by appealing to the emotions of the family members who had lost loved ones during the battles, the American people’s love for their country, and by motivation them to finish the fight. …show more content…

Lincoln did this by talking about why this ceremony is taking place; ”We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live”(Lincoln). When Lincoln said this, he brought up the fact that loved ones were lost and that they will be missed. This quote appeal to emotion by bringing up the fact that someone’s family and friends had just died, and when this is brought up, people experience emotions; “When coping with the death of a loved one, it is normal to experience a range of intense, often overwhelming emotions” (“Grief and Loss”). This means that coping with the death of loved ones, that it is normal to experience intense

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