
Gettysburg Address Declaration Of Independence Analysis

Decent Essays

The Gettysburg Address:
While reading the Gettysburg Address, one main idea is that Abraham Lincoln is reassuring society that this the United States will not perish. A reading that is parallel to this would be the Declaration of Independence. In the Declaration, Thomas Jefferson describes the phrase that all men are created equal. In fact, the first line in the Gettysburg address is an allusion to the Founding Fathers and the Declaration of Independence. By doing this, Lincoln was describing how the United States was founded. However, in that current moment, the phrase of “all men are created equal” had been forgotten.
Another parallel in the Declaration of Independence would be when Jefferson speaks about war. He writes “as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war” (Jefferson). During the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln is standing on a battle ground where states from the same country had endured in battle. Lincoln also describes how he does not know how much more this nation can take (Lincoln). His statement is relevant to the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was written because of the harsh treatment the King of Britain was forcing upon the colonies. With that being said, the colonies could not endure anymore suffering and decided …show more content…

After the attacks that killed thousands of people, President George W. Bush went to ground zero and spoke. When President Bush spoke, he sounded like Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address. As he was standing on the rubble he commended the people that lost their lives at that place. He also promised that the people who committed this horrific crime would hear the United States calling for them. Much like Lincoln, President Bush recognized the lost loved ones and honored the dead by stating the United States would find the

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