
Girl Interrupted: Borderline Personality Disorders

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Disorders are classified as interruptions of a system, whereas personality disorders are classified as impairments of one's mood, thoughts, and behaviors. There are arrays of personality disorders that impair one's mental state differently. Oftentimes, society has limited knowledge of these disorders and rely on the media to help explain what they are. In contrast, the media may not accurately depict a clear clinical picture of what the disorder is. The media will oftentimes overdramatize the disorder for entertainment purposes. Surely, the media does represent these disorders in great light, offering the viewer a film that displays educational and entertainment content. For example, the film Girl, Interrupted, directed by James Mangold, starring Winona Ryder, depicts a young girl who …show more content…

Borderline personality disorder in this film is accurately represented with it's symptoms of mood change, impulsivity, unstable self-image, and conflicting interpersonal relationships. Susanna Kaysen, an 18 year old whom begins the film trying to overdose on pills while drinking vodka, is admitted to a mental institution by her parents because of the behaviors she is expressing. A symptom the character is expressing in the film is impulsivity. According to the text, "Studies suggest that around 75 percent of people with borderline personality disorder attempt suicide at least once in their lives" (Comer, 2016). The action that Susanna took represents a suicide attempt, therefore it accurately depicts a strong picture of the disorder. Moreover, Susanna displays symptoms of depressive and anxious moods when seeing a psychiatrist. She believes nothing

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