
Glass Menagerie Human Nature

Decent Essays

Through every book I have read, at least one nature of man is portrayed through the theme. For example, in Boneman’s Daughters, a human nature displayed is regret. Human nature can be shown through characters in the past and present. Tennessee Williams’ characters in The Glass Menagerie show human nature through their past and present decisions. The theme of The Glass Menagerie is that the nature of man is to abandon, escape reality, and want more. Abandonment is an instinct usually promoted by selfishness, or dereliction can be promoted by arrogance; however, it also can be promoted by being protective. The human nature of abandonment is shown through Tom and Laura’s father, Jim, and Tom. Tom and Laura’s father abandoned his family because of his love for long distances. Jim abandons Laura at he end of the play because he was engaged to someone else. Tom abandons Amanda and Laura at the end of the play because he sought adventure. Even though abandonment may seem like a good idea at the time, these characters show that there is always a time of regret afterwards. …show more content…

Tennessee Williams portrays this side people through Tom, Amanda, and Laura. Tom evades reality by going to the movies so he can take his mind of his responsibilities. Amanda eludes her real life by flashing back to her past to make her feel better about her present situation. Laura escapes the present by having her glass collection. Tom, Amanda, and Laura all attempted to evade their life, but their fake world never made anything

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