
Glasses In Lord Of The Flies

Decent Essays

The Glasses

In the novel, The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, there are multiple symbols that are used and put there by the author to add depth and meaning to the story. The reader as he goes on finds the symbolism of the pig, the ‘lord of the flies, and the conch used as a talking stick. The author also presents Piggy’s glasses as a symbol. Glasses, as we all know, are used to improve one’s sight, but can also be used for something so important as survival in the wilderness as the readers of The Lord of the Flies have seen. The boys in The Lord of the Flies used Piggy’s glasses to reflect light onto dry branches to make a fire that released smoke as a distress signal to alert any ongoing ships. Smoke has been a common distress signal …show more content…

The boys were unsuccessful in starting a fire by rubbing wood and rocks together. Jack assembled the great idea of using Piggy’s glasses as a lighter and successfully started a fire that would now release smoke as a distress signal. Back in the day the only way to “fly” a distress signal was by building a fire that would initiate smoke, but the boys would of not have the tools or the knowledge to start a fire if it was not for the glasses. Ralph and Piggy were the only ones that seemed to realise the importance of the glasses and that by having this fire there was a chance to be rescued and go home. It was a struggle to keep the fire going for the fact of the matter was the majority of the boys were just too young and irresponsible to realise the purpose of it all. In the end of the novel “The Lord of the Flies” the fire attracted an ongoing Naval Ship. The ship aboard the island coming to the rescue to save these long lost boys. All in all the Naval officer saved the majority of the young boys and Ralph. As for the wild ones that were followers of Jack stayed on the island. If it was not for the fire started by Piggy’s glasses there would have been no distress signal to alert the Naval ship that saved

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