
Goals Of True Education

Good Essays

Savannah Dahlke
Mrs. Clayton
AP Language and Composition
3 Feb 2017
Goals of Education
To what extent do schools serve the goals of a true education? In order, to correctly identify the answer to this prompt, one must first define true education. ?James Baldwin describing true education said,the purpose of a true education is to help develop well-rounded individuals, consequently, integrating them as educated and intellectual members of society, individuals who are able to make their own decisions and worldly perceptions. Intelligence and character becoming the rudiments of success. Although the school system is said to be failing, it?s purpose transcends the common complaint, in its ability to touch all students, giving everyone an opportunity …show more content…

Ralph Emerson, a famous writer, explains, ?It is not for you to choose what he shall know, what he shall do. It is chosen and foreordained, and he only holds the key to his own secret.? The average student already has an idea of what to expect in a class without even setting a single foot in the classroom. Their motivations or the lack thereof become manifest in the starting minutes of class and the difference between the inspired and the carless are seen. It is seen who the students are that endlessly stare out the windows and openly daydream, those that simply refuse to participate, and the driven, who take the challenge headfirst. ?This separation can be seen from various perspectives, some stereotyping these vastly different students into subsections of the smart and disjointly unfocused, however there is one group of people that transcend the common judgement and look past the outside picture, people that look for the potential that everyone else is unwilling to see. These individuals are …show more content…

Francine prose, and author and critic says, " that the books I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, To Kill a Mockingbird, and other various classics have bad benefits, like poor writing skills and an incomprehension of material. Thus, not reaching the expectations of a true education. However, other evidence suggests the contrast to this statement. One of the many Freedom Writers wrote about the power of literature saying, " I know why the caged bird sings. For many people this might sound like a normal poem, but to me it's an analogy of my life. I sometimes feel as if Ian a bird without wings, and the door on my cage is not open. A bird doesn't sing because it's happy, it sings because it's not free. This individual found a relief, a savior, a connection to the words portrayed by Mary Angelou. It became a lifeline, a break from the overweening reality into a world of imagery and personal connection. This written work, as well as, other literary classics shaped this individual and his classmates into better

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