
Golden Era Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

During the Golden Age of Athens, which was from 499 BC to 400 BC, the people of Athens relished in the freedoms of a democracy. It was a time of peace and people speaking their minds without being punished. Although most people were content, several people doubted it at any sign of weakness. Yet, Athenians still had a fairly good relationship with democracy during the Golden Age.
Many, if not most of the Athenians were quite happy with the democracy. It’s a huge part of the Golden Age. The documents from the Golden Age show mainly contentedness with democracy. Documents 1 and 3 show the happiness that came with the democracy. Document 1 is greatly important, as arts are part of what defined the Golden Age. It shows two warriors who seem to …show more content…

Those who didn’t like democracy were mainly rich nobles who were most likely afraid of losing power and influence over the people. Or, as Document 6 gives insight to, they were unhappy during the Peloponnesian War. Document 6 states, “‘Nothing could be found better than the one man, the best man in governance,’” (Document 6). It comes from Herodotus in 415 BC, and he shows a strong preference to a sole ruler, rather than the many people that share power during a democracy, along with Document 11. Document 11 is important to include because it is not only from the Golden Age, but it was also in the heart of the Peloponnesian War. It could be due to it being in the middle of the Peloponnesian War, or it could not, but the timing of it does seem to mean Herodotus, and possibly others, disliked the democracy of Athens because they were in the middle of a civil war that they ultimately lost. Others merely criticized the democracy and its freedoms, as Isocrates, the author of document 3. Document 7 is similar, as its author clearly shows their displeasure towards the people that are not nobles having the ability to influence the government. As it is well supported through several documents, it is clear that not all Athenians were happy with a democratic

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