
Gone Girl

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The historical relevance of David Fincher's movie adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl takes place in a modern setting. Upon its release in 2014, Gone Girl sparked a universal dialogue about modern day relationships and gave rise to an social media phenomenon of internet feminism.
2014 was truly the beginning of feminism in the modern age. Female celebrities like Emma Watson were speaking out about women’s rights, sexual assault on college campuses finally got some of the attention it deserves, feminist Malala Yousafzai won a nobel peace prize for her strides in women’s education rights, and #YesAllWomen across all social media platforms reached over 1 million retweets in 48 hours (Kay). Along with the surge in social media feminism, society …show more content…

Many women today have been so indoctrinated and conditioned by the patriarchy that they completely lose the sense of solidarity as women and become enemies of the female gender and begin to reject aspects of femininity in a severely misguided attempt to be heard, through the “Cool Girl” persona that Amy describes in the movie. The “Cool girl is hot. Cool girl is game. Cool girl is fun. Cool girl never gets angry at her man. She only smiles in a chagrined, loving manner”(Fincher). The “Cool Girl” is so desperate for power she develops a sort of Stockholm Syndrome towards the male gender and begins to act how they think men want them to, stifling herself in hopes of finally receiving the respect she deserves. The women who claim Gone Girl is counter productive are only supportive of the narrative that all women are therapists and master fixers whom are supposed to accept a man at his lowest and build him up to his full potential while men request the perfect woman with no flaws, packaged up pretty for them. This contrived ‘women are the mothers of the world’ trope is exhaustive, and frankly, annoyingly antiquated. Women shouldn’t have to “[forge] the man of [their]

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