
Good Vs Evil

Decent Essays

The thing that stood out the most to me was that the authors approached the concept of evil from many different angles. There was no one concise definition, cause, or kind of evil. Amongst all of these angles, an important point that almost all of the authors seem to touch on is the idea of evil and good being mutually exclusive. This idea proposes that there can be no evil without the opposing idea of good, and vice versa. The authors explored this idea in depth, and there were many different opinions on the matter. Some authors feel that humans are inherently good, while others believe we are inherently evil, and still others believe something entirely different. While all of the articles made important points and contributed to my general understanding of the concept of evil, I would like to focus on Eberts and Staub in this journal.
Staub postulates that, “…human beings have the potential for both goodness and evil” (12). He suggests this after giving several examples of people who believe that people …show more content…

I find Staub’s belief of a neutral human that can be swayed by circumstances, and Eberts’ belief that free will impacts the relationship between good and evil to be interesting. With this in mind, I have come to several conclusions based on my personal beliefs. Firstly, good and evil cannot exist without each other, because humans can perceive the difference. Secondly, humans are not inherently good or evil. I also believe that circumstances do play an important role in the development of a person, but that people’s choices (because we have free will) in these circumstances are what makes us good or evil. People subjected to the same circumstances will turn out on different ends of the good/evil spectrum according to how strong their wills are. Evil is not a set concept, nor is there a consistent scale by which good or evil can be measured by as it is

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