
Goodman Brown Symbolism

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In “Young Goodman Brown”, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the short story discusses the journey of Young Goodman Brown, a young religious man who is a member of the Puritan church. Goodman Brown is travelling down a path in a forest, and he converses with an old man. While Goodman Brown is resting in the forest, he hears Faith scream, and also envisions her pink ribbons falling off. Goodman Brown grabs the staff that the old man gave him, and it guides him to a witch meeting. They are converting the Puritan inhabitants into their sinful ways, and Goodman Brown is urged forward by the minister, and Deacon Gookin. Another convert is also ushered forward, but they are covered with a veil. Faith is revealed to be the convert, and Goodman Brown encourages Faith to resist the evil temptations. When Goodman Brown awakens, he is never the same as he was before, and he is gloomy for the rest of his life, even until his death. Throughout “Young Goodman Brown”, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author utilizes various examples of symbolism to inform the reader of his Christian beliefs, and to bring the major flaws of the Puritan community to light.
In the beginning of the story, he is conversing with his wife, Faith, about how he must leave her behind for this one night. For example, in this quote, it explains: “’My love and my Faith," replied young Goodman Brown, "of all nights in the year, this one night must I tarry away from thee…” (Hawthorne 1) It is apparent from the beginning of story that

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