
Grace Lee Bogg Essay

Decent Essays

Personal Narrative as Protest American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs explores a form of protest that is not often highly regarded or even discussed: the personal narrative. When taught about political and social movements, kids in middle and high school are taught about the iconized persons who fought against systems of inequality- Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, to name a few. They are also taught that these important people are directly fighting against something, whether it is a person, idea, or group. What is not taught, though, is that one’s own personal narrative, in the form of reflection and expression, is protest. When this is ignored as often as it is, people are unaware of the power they possess and therefore distance themselves from both the activists that have been so idolized and the ability to effect change that we all innately possess. This lack of acknowledging personal narratives also creates the impression that …show more content…

At one point the filmmaker, Grace Lee, says, “Conversation is now Grace’s main form of activism. She’s constantly inviting people into her home. But it’s not just to chat, she pushes everyone to evolve their ideas.” Conversation allows people not only the chance to express their narratives but also to add to them. I am of the opinion that every single thing you have ever done, every person you have ever met, and every experience you have ever had, is a part of who you are. People are not just isolated islands; they are all a part of each other. The young people visiting Boggs are involving themselves in her narrative, one that includes writing, feminism, philosophy, and activism. They are able to intellectually grow just through interacting and conversing with Boggs, and vice versa. This interaction allows both parties to, as Boggs says, evolve their

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