
Graduation By Maya Angelou Analysis

Decent Essays

In the “Graduation,” Maya Angelou tells the story of life in 1940s Stampa, Arkansas. Angelou themes were about the partial treatment of African -American- during that time because they were not assessed pro their educated intelligence like white people. She elucidates on how it feels to be discriminated and considered as less than equal. Angelou labels her anger from the racism and pride of graduation day at her segregated school. Similarly, to this podcast, “The Problem We All Live With,” tells the life experiences of Mah’s Ria Pruitt- Martin, who recounts own her experiences as a black kid, and who was treated differently in white school, because of the racial stereotypes and discrimination. Maya Angelou’s experiences as a black student …show more content…

Angelou expresses that her mood has changed when she says, “The man’s dead words fell like the brinks around the auditorium and too many settled in my belly” (54). Angelou tone shifts into anger because of the white man’s speech. This experience left Angelou angry and disappointed and began pondering her existence. Her mind alters into dark and cheerless, and wanted white dead: “Then I wished that Gabriel Prosser and Nat Turner had killed all white folks in their beds…” (55). This shows the Angelou tone change from excitement into angry and wished people the white community to death. However, in the end, her tone changes once again after her class valediction who is also a black boy. Reed’s speech inspired Angelou because she had an epiphany: “We were on again. And always, again. We survived. The depths had been icy and dark, but now a bright sun spoke to our souls. I was no longer simply a member of the proud graduating class of 1940; I was a proud member of the wonderful, beautiful Negro race” (58). This demonstrates the fact that Angelou is proud to be African American, even though her race is suffering, she will still be happy with what has been

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