
Graduation Speech : Bursting The Bubble

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Bursting the Bubble
“Everything that can’t go on forever won’t,” –Harold Stein referring to dynamics financial systems. His insight rings true decades later, when Americans are challenged by another financial bubble ready to pop. The political class has long held a higher education vital to success in this land of opportunity. The Obama administration has said college is, “the ticket to the middle class.” Their words give the illusion that the ride on the train to sustainability is guaranteed. After all, American institutions are the best in the world, drawing students from around the globe. However, in the past decade college education has developed a dark side. Higher education is commonly viewed as a bad investment with a poor return by a vast amount of the younger generation. Even with attractiveness to foreign students, government programs to assist the impoverished, and the societal normalcy of the college experience, enrollment in higher education across the board has fallen 1.5% (Vedder, 2014. WSJ). Due to the extreme rates of tuition, cuts in domestic life, and political relevance, American college education is no longer deemed beneficial developing into a financial bubble bound to reel from good old-fashioned market discipline.
Three major contributing factors head up disdain in the education bubble: major inflation of tuition, political intervention and policy, and the ambiguity of actual benefits of a degree. The education bubble is a hypothesis that states

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