
Graduation Speech: The Homeless

Decent Essays

At my school there is incredible support for athletics, arts, sciences, and media. Moreover, to my dismay there investment in humanitarian activities is limited. Sure, there are clubs that raise money for cancer research, autism research, drug abuse research, and probably even research’s research. But no club ameliorated the community and international community with a hands approach. A mirror of dollar signs obscured everything, and the true act of helping people was lost along the way. With growing frustration I decided there must be a way to bring back a level of realism to the situation. Without much tribulation I found a set of ten fellow classmates yearning for something hands on and purposeful. Together we dictated that once a month …show more content…

We split into groups of two and aim to help, at maximum 3 displaced people each. That might sound strange, the at maximum, but the purpose of this was that we weren’t going into Philly to give handouts. We went into Philly to show displaced people that we care, and that they are not alone. Teenagers know better than anyone how easy it is to get lost in the world. We have seen our friends leave, our relationships change, our classmates make bad decision and been lonely and hurt by the madness of it all. Yes, these ten teens had their needs cared. Yes, they could relate to each homeless person with adeptness and compassion that has incomprehensible. These suburban teenagers and their displaced friends had so much more in common then I had previously believed. It was startling that these dialogues of friendship were so symbolically …show more content…

Ten minors going into the city and talking to homeless strangers tends to set parent’s spidey senses on edge. But that’s part of the experience. To put yourself in potential danger, evaluate the situation, and do the best you can. It is necessary to balance risk and reward and it was a perfect way to offer a practice of that to minors before they are on their own. It was amazing. To watch my friends and I evolve the last Sunday of every month. We would transform over time from these timid mouse like girls who could barely elicit more than a smile and a bag of goodies to girls who were confident street smart and able to provide a listening ear to their new friend, a classmate of the lesson called

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