
Graffiti And Other Artistic Writings

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Many historians agree that graffiti and other artistic writings show “life in motion.” Tracing the history of these movements in both Latin America and the United States, one notes that artists have fomented revolution by altering aesthetic practices and transforming social contexts. One compares graffiti, defined as “unauthorized writing or drawing on a public surface,” to other art forms, such as sketchbook work, prints, murals, and portable frescoes because both illustrate ideas through writing. Artists have written on the walls of buildings, trains, and many other locations to advertise their nametags and spread their views of race, politics, religion, gender, and economics among the greater public. Since the nineteenth century, …show more content…

In his murals, Rivera exposed audiences in Mexico and in the United States to indigenous Mexican life that conquistadores and dictators such as Díaz kept hidden from view. Building on Cuban and Mexican racial counter-hegemony, modern Latino and African-American writers sought to defy racist law enforcement policies with graffiti.
By the mid twentieth-century in Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and New York, graffiti writers of color channeled Cuban and Mexican anti-racism to defy white police control. In 1960s Los Angeles, artists commissioned by “el movimiento” sought to unite people of color against police brutality through murals underlined with spray-painted labels such as 1973’s Black and White Moratorium Wall. As racial tensions simmered in the 1960s and 1970s, police discriminated against youth of color. Philadelphian Darryl “Cornbread” McCray, largely considered as the first modern graffiti writer, tagged numerous police cars upon release from juvenile detention. One should note the symbolism visible in his signature; McRae spray-painted “Cornbread,” a popular soul food item, to assert his blackness over police control. In 1970s New York, writers of color spray-painted trains with bold letters and tags to

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