
Grant's Discovery In Jurassic Park

Decent Essays

Grant’s love for dinosaurs directly contrasts his knowledge in knowing the park isn’t safe, and causes him great trouble when he is faced with the knowledge that he must ensure the dinosaurs are destroyed in order to guarantee his and the other’s safety. Upon arriving at the island, he is shown to be in awe of the dinosaurs, as this is his life’s work come to life before him. However, after witnessing the lapse in judgement so apparent in the construction of the park, he is faced with a dilemma. Grant knows the danger these dinosaurs pose to his life and the safety of others, and yet it pains him greatly to condemn them to be destroyed. This demonstrates that Grant’s will to survive and to preserve his life and that of others is greater than …show more content…

He is shown at multiple points to have adopted a sort of “father figure” to the two children. This illustrates that he has put their own lives before his very own, and is ready to do whatever is necessary to ensure they survive the island. This contrasts Grant’s will to survive with his will to ensure the children’s safety. Furthermore, this is also shown when he takes on the greatest risks to turn back on the power, endangering his life, to ensure the children have a way off the island. Grant shows an amazing will to preserve the life of the children here, and is not nearly concerned about saving his own life as he is about saving theirs. In the same light, near the end of the novel, Grant is shown to be the one to take on the three adult velociraptors pursuing the children, alone. This represents the fact that Grant is willing to put himself in a situation that he will probably not survive to give the children a chance to turn back on the power so they can escape the island. This expresses that Grant is no longer concerned about his own life, and his goal has changed from self-preservation to the preservation of the lives of the …show more content…

In this situation, Hammond is shown to put everyone’s lives at risk with his lack of concern for safety, as all he wants is more money. He is shown early in the novel to have not been prepared for any situation like this, as he only permitted Muldoon to purchase one rocket launcher. This demonstrates that Hammond is not concerned about the lives of the people on the island shown by his unwillingness to kill the dinosaurs as they are worth a lot of money. He shows a lack of self-preservation here, as he is not thinking rationally and when choosing between the survival of those on the island and making money, he is more focused on making money. Additionally, he is faced with the choice of paying Nedry more to ensure he does a good job, or paying him less and facing the consequences. Naturally, Hammond chooses to pay him less, which causes Nedry to betray him and put the lives of everyone at risk by turning off the power, and consequently, the fences. This illumes the fact that Hammond’s greed is what ultimately causes the lack of power to the island and the deaths of multiple people. Additionally, if Hammond were to choose between increased safety of his island, thus helping preserve his and his guest’s lives, and money, he would almost always pick money which

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