Heroism Who or what do I define? People put their own lives at risk because of me. Everyday people come to find out that they’ve had me in them all along. Anyone can have it inside of them but many do not realize it, until it’s too late. It comes at the best and worst moments, but you can be the only one to pursue. You mostly see me in police officers and fire fighters, both who put their own lives on the line to save others and don’t think twice about saving themselves. No one is limited to me, but don’t let yourself think it can’t be in you. There are many definitions for me, but you’re the only one who can find out what I mean to you. Many heroic actions people perform can be frightening, but there is nothing wrong with being judged, remember I’m defined as “Great Bravery”. Anyone can become a hero. You don’t need a costume with a cap or have any special powers to be considered a hero. All you need is the willfulness to defy all the odds that go against you. If you’re not scared, you’re not doing it right. It is perfectly normal to feel afraid before performing a heroic action. We are only human, we …show more content…
Law enforcement officers in today society are looked down on, when they used to be looked at as heroic icons. There are millions of police officers on the roads right now patrolling the street to protect you and I. It’s upsetting to know that some people take them for granted and would rather see them dead than using their own life to protect theirs. Heroes are not always considered heroes. People we look up to can make mistakes, but it’s only because no one is perfect. Perfection is not an achievable goal, but it is a good goal to set. Knowing you may not reach your goal shouldn’t discourage you, but inspire knowing that you can always become better. There won’t be a hero out there to save everyone, because they’ll never be perfect, but they definitely
Many heroes exists in todays world. Some are just fictional but the real ones are the ones worth mentioning. A true hero is a person who is willing to sacrifice everything for the well being of others. they're giving personalities cause them to give everything they can to help others. They are constantly in a race to fight for something beneficial to all.
The easiest paper that I have written throughout the semester was the Heroism paper. I believed the Heroism paper was the easiest because I could connect to my topic. I chose to write about Christ's Journey and how it relates to the “Hero’s Journey”. I have a burning passion for studying the bible and learning about how Christ has impacted everyone's life. An example of something I learned is: “Jesus set out to heal the servant and says, “ Let thy be done”, and the man with leprosy was instantly healed (Truesdale 36).” Leprosy is a disease that wasn't curable at the time that they where living in; therefore, knowing that Jesus was able to heal the man and cure his leprosy he gave people hope. In a time of depression God sent his one and only
We have seen in recent days where people do not respect or even value the life of law enforcement and others. When we think of heroes today, we think about soldiers, policeman, fireman and other people who lay their lives on the line every day to protect ours. These people are strong in many different ways besides physical, they all have morals and they are fighting the bad guy in one aspect or another. The difference is they are normal people who continue to live their normal everyday lives. It is sad when people who are trying to protect have to fear for their lives from those they are
What is a hero? When I ask myself this, a few things come to mind. Police officer, firefighter, superman. But what is a hero really? Someone who is brave? Strong? Smart? Perhaps, but I believe there is more. To me, heroic traits are selflessness, courage, perseverance, patience and many other things. Like beauty, heroism isn't skin deep. It isn't the cape that makes the hero, its the purpose.
Growing up was a little boy who had a dream that wanted to become a hero, a hero that helps and save lives, a hero that is willing to a take risk for his country. A hero willing to save their family and friends . A Police officer was made to enforce the law, to serve and protect from crime and to stop all the killing and the violence. As soon start to get a little older,started to understand more and seeing them on the news saw the police were killing citizens, beating up teenagers, accusing others of having drugs and police were also dope dealing. My dream of becoming a police was fading away, my hero days were crushed and thinking police was our hero’s. Police were not creating justice in our cities.
Being a hero is something everyone is capable of with bravery and intelligence. You don’t have to be a Greek God to be a hero, you can be a simple, average person living in a regular town. Heroism is not your social status and ruling the land, it is the qualities you possess and how you use them. Both the short story “The Hero’s Test” by Alisoun Witting and the short story “The Red-Headed League” by Arthur Conan Doyle shows heroism and how anyone can be a hero.
When one thinks of a cop. What should come to mind is “hero.” But nowadays cops are seen as people you want to stay away from. In the past, they were publicly displayed as heroes on television shows and parents, as well as children, knew the names of the officers patrolling their neighborhoods. However, times have certainly changed because police departments have increased the size of their force and tactics have switched and have become less about protect and serve, and more of a militaristic approach. Police officers have abused their power for too long because they have access to so many different types of weapons and there’s been so many cases involving police brutality that it needs to come to an end and they need to be held accountable for what they’ve done.
Police officers have a label as heros. Police are as good as any hero in a action movie, they save people from doing what they shouldn't do, or from hurting people, or bad guys. Police do many thing to save this world from being a bad, unsafe place. Police pull people over if driving over the speed limit, people may get mad and yell when they get pulled over but the police are saving you and other people's lives from being in danger from getting in an accident from speeding. Police also save lives when it comes to danger.
“ A hero is somebody who voluntarily walks into the unknown .” When a hero keeps on going and never stop trying that makes them a hero.When a hero puts there life at risk just to save another life, even though it could mean losing their own that makes them a hero. Someone who goes through great challenges but never stops trying is a hero. Ahero is not someone who gives up or someone who is selfish.Heroism is being selflessness, someone who makes sacrifices, and someone who never gives up.
America is a gorgeous country, from her tall rocky mountains to her marvelous oceans. America has fought through the worst of battles, but she always comes out triumphant. America is a place where many individuals call home. She is a symbol of hope, acceptance, and new life. For years, people have been coming to her borders, looking for safety. America is an example to the world, of what a country should be to her people. America holds history, shows the present, and predicts the future. America is always moving forward; she is never content to stand still. However, America could not make all these changes by herself; it is her people that call themselves Americans that make her so great. American is an extremely generalized word. What makes
Imagine a child that worries every day about the fact that he may never see his mom or dad again because they are out there risking their lives for their community. With constant attacks on police happening, thousands of children all around the country are constantly worrying about their mother or father returning from work. One might argue that an officer’s job is dangerous enough as it is and that is completely understandable. But what is not acceptable is that danger increasing due to planned attacks from protestors. Due to recent events, many protesters have emerged against police, some peaceful, and some murderous. Many people are also starting to look at police officers in a bad way due to how the media has blown up a couple situations. Police are constantly being judged as racist killers, and the many stereotypes going around are not deserved.
On October 13, 1972 a plane named the Faidchild was holding 45 passangers crashed in the Andes Mountains. Among the passangers was the Old Christrians club rugby union from Urgangy with family and friends. The plane was headed to a match the team was to play in Santiago, Chile. There was severe weather problams and the weather had forced the pilots to stop in Mendoza, Argentina. When cleared to fly again the pilots and passsangers headed out. Over Curico, Chile the pilot had requested permission to decend and was approved. At this time the area covered in clouds played a vital trick on the pilots. The Pilots thought they were farther than they actually were. The pilots had to crash land on the Andes Mountains as safe as possible in the situation
One hundred and thirty five police officers died in 2016. Although that may not seem like a large number, that many police shouldn't have to die trying to save the thousands of people who were killed in the united states in 2016. Police are heroes because they look past the negative news, they sacrifice and they have the characteristics of all heroes.
Hello, Christopher. I enjoyed reading your post. First, I agree with your point that “living and working for God and the community, we can be a shining light to set an example for others to live by.” If police officers around the world used their training skillset with God’s message, then they could have more of a positive impact on the community they serve. Furthermore, I do believe that law enforcement officers deal with a great deal of inner stress. Today, this stress comes from pressure from the public. For instance, there has been a lot of focus on how the law enforcement officer interact with black men. This is due to the recent deaths of minorities at the hands of law enforcement. Although, police officers risk their lives every day
Heroes have achieved many feats that support the belief of a greater good and expressing valor and selflessness through the ages. There are fictional or real life accounts that have recognized these men and women for their vigor and marked them as heroes due to their events of success and motives of committing the heroic deeds. Yet there are copious amounts of people who have sacrifice themselves for a greater good but they have been lost through time even if their actions were prosperous or doomed in the end with a valiant purpose. They are unsung heroes who committed the actions based on their inner fire of what is right or honorable or rather than the fame they hope to achieve from those acts. The world or a populous may not know of their actions, but the actions and beliefs of an individual or group can entitle them of being hero-like without the necessity of recognition and success. They have lost their lives or a part of themselves to a cause based on righteousness rather than self-gain. They presented selfless heroism rather than the the intention to receive praise from the victories. Sacrifice contributes more to Heroism because the individual invested his or her own determination, valor and accepting the opportunity to risk their self-health (physical or psychological) based on great intentions rather than reaping the accolades of committing good deeds.