
Great Gatsby Greed Quotes

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The Great Gatsby In F. Scott Fitzgerald's Great Gatsby, many things revolve around money. This book is about a man named Jay Gatsby who longs for a relationship with Daisy. Gatsby lives in an outrageous mansion on the water and also throws insane parties. The reason for his luxurious lifestyle is his love for Daisy. Because of this, he gets himself into sticky situations that would risk his life. Three characters who live a materialistic lifestyle and had self-destructive behaviors that eventually lead to corruption and deceit are Gatsby, Tom and Daisy. One character who lived a materialistic lifestyle and had self-destructive behaviors that eventually lead to corruption and deceit is Gatsby. Gatsby never knew the pain Daisy would cause him. He threw crazy parties hoping Daisy would come to see how he lives. She is married to a man named Tom, because he is wealthy. “On week-ends his Rolls-Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city, between nine in the morning and long past midnight”(page 2), is a quote stating how expensive and how popular his parties were. Mr. Wilson, Myrtle’s husband, assumes she is having an affair with another man, which she was. Gatsby …show more content…

Tom was the wealthiest man around, besides Gatsby. Tom fights for Daisy’s love against Gatsby, while having an affair with Myrtle. “They had spent a year in France for no particular reason, and then drifted here and there unrestfully wherever people played polo and were rich together”(page 8), states how easily money is thrown around, just because he has it. Tom and Daisy attend one of Gatsby’s parties and he becomes suspicious of his wealth. Soon everybody meets for lunch, and Tom notices the way Daisy and Jay look at each other. He soon realizes they have a secret love and gets revenge on Gatsby by lying, saying he was the one sleeping with

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